Thursday, October 4, 2018

Remembering God

Too many unread books grace my bookshelves and various other places in my house. UPS is still delivering books, just last week in fact and they sit unopened. But when I saw Annie F. Downs' Remember God pre-order included an audiobook I knew I had to have it.

It felt like I needed it.

Just minutes after the introduction started I was sure this would be manna for me.

I wasn’t wrong.

I can’t pinpoint exactly why this book fed my soul the way it did except it is very comforting to hear someone who preaches, teaches and writes about God for a living, struggled with believing some of the most important things about Him and came out on the other side. Not perfect, or unscathed, but fully persuaded of the kindness of God.

I’ve doubted.




When the pregnancy miscarried.
When the marriage failed.
When the child rebelled.
When the call came.
When the call didn’t come.
When my heart broke.
When my heart broke again.
When relationships ended.
When the court order didn’t make sense.

But when I’m remembering God, my thoughts don’t go to the what, but the Who.

He loved me in ways that can’t be explained.
He provided for my every need.
He guided me every step of the way.
He comforted.
He spoke.
He healed.
He healed again.
He gave me new friends.
He covered me with His feathers.

While listening to this book my heart remembered all the ways He’s met me and it made me grateful for a God who is no respecter of persons.

A God who is good.



And I’m fully persuaded is, in fact, kind.
But as for me, the nearness of God is my good;I have made the Lord God my refuge,That I may tell of all Your works. Psalm 73:28

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